
  • Use the search box and filters at right to help you find events & activities of interest. To find events/activities just for you, roll over "primary audience" at right. To find events/activities on a specific topic of interest, roll over each of the event types at right.

  • Register as an attendee or organization to create a profile, make your customized calendar, interact with other attendees, and more. Click here for tutorial videos.

  • Add your customized calendar to Google Calendar, iCal, and more here.

  • Or add an event to the calendar by clicking here.

avatar for Betsy Vela

Betsy Vela

Lyford CISD - Lyford H S
Librarian / Instructional Technologist
Lyford, Texas Area
18 year educator in the current role of Librarian and Instructional Technology Coach. Ask me about our Digital Badges Incentive Program and our EdTech Playgrounds.

Connect and grow with me @betzvela
M. Ed. in Educational Technology
Certified School Librarian
Apple Distinguished Educator Class of 2017
Microsoft Innovative Educator
Google Certified Educator
Osmo Ambassador
Raspberry Pi Certified Educator